Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Worst Day of my Life

I went along on a LONG DRIVE this last weekend.  It was daddy's 50th birthday and they decided to drive up the pretty coast of California.

I got to ride in the back seat.  Apparently, Highway 1 is a pretty drive ~ winding roads, curvy turns, zigzag. GREAT if you're in the front seat!  Me?   I was thrown around in the back all by my lonesome.

Not good for my tummy.  I was miserable.  By the time we got to Point Reyes, I lost my breakfast.  And by the time we got to the really crooked turney roads ~ my stomach was empty.

I'm still shellshocked here ~ at the 'pet friendly' lodge.

I managed to pull myself together, though.  There were open fields for me to run and dad and mom took me on many many walks.
Open space for me to wander. I saw lots of deer.  I did not run after them.

i AM loved, aren't i?

I guess it really wasn't such a bad day, after all.

On the way home, I rode on mom's lap and was asleep and cozy all the way home.  I still enjoy being a dog.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Happy Arfing Easter!

There were lots of people at my family's Easter celebration.  Great Grammie snuck food under the table for me and cousins Oreo and Puma.  Ha!  I had treats and we were quiet about it too!

Later in the evening, I got my tail braided then roped.  No, I was not served for dinner ~ but I know what it's like to be food on the table.  Be very afraid!!

Luckily, everyone was out playing with the kid with the bubbles. Me ~ I was hoping nobody noticed me spread out right on top of the dining table.

The view is good at the top!  Hope you were all able to repent for your sins!  Christ is risen! Alleluia!!